April 8, 2009

I'm going to have a private exhibition from April 23

I'm going to have a private exhibition of my self-portraits. I went to 18 art galleries in Ginza-Kyobashi area today. Most of them have an information bord or put many brochures on the stool. I asked them to lay mine together. 17 of them said ok! I was glad, because I thought more galleries might reject it. 銀座・京橋地区の画廊へDMを置いてもらいに行きました。18軒にお願いし、ほとんどのギャラリーで束で置くか、掲示スペースに貼るかしていただきました。もっと突っぱねられると覚悟して行ったのでとても嬉しかったです。