December 31, 2009

It's New Year's Eve! 大晦日だよ

Reflected on Sake(Japanese rice wine) Cell-phone au A5518SA I've not written New Year's cards yet! 私はまだ年賀状を書いていません!

December 30, 2009

It wasn't digital camera's fault デジカメのせいではなかった #2

Cell-phone au A5518SA I hope to finish undone post by the end of this year. Long time ago, I use to take pictures seriously. After I became unable to draw pictures, I wanted something to express myself. I couldn't make something with my hands directly, so I picked photography, Soon I found it was really interesting and difficult. I got crazy about it. My main camera was Nikon FM2. People don't know much about digital, so when someone said "Dejikame is great!", the others ask him, like "Huh? Kochikame?". A while later, I got my first digital camera. It was Casio QV-10A. After using it, somehow I felt photograpy was becoming boring. Lately I found that it was just because my situation, or "I" changed at the time. Not digital camera's fault. So... I'm trying to use my cell-phone often now, as the easiest digital camera. This is just my idea, but the day starting taking picture is more unforgettable than the first drawing. Children can draw pictures with pencil and paper. But photography needs development. I guess most people start photography at club activity in school or after growing up. Except for the people who given own cameras from a young age, like Lartigue. I think digital camera set those children; potential photographers, free. They don't have to ask their parents to have the films developed. Old time children had only one roll of film per a week(no, a month, or a season), but today's children could take pictures unlimitedly. It's like doodle! I'm curious about the photographs taken by them in the future! Then some of them would choose film. So excited.

December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

In subway station, on Christmas Eve 2009 Cell-phone au A5518SA I've not finished writing about digital cameras yet! and... about Google Wave either. Anyway, Merry Christmas everyone!!

December 24, 2009

It wasn't digital camera's fault デジカメのせいではなかった #1

One Night Cell-phone au A5518SA I didn't like digital cameras. I thought the one made photography less enjoyable for me was digital, then I dropped interest in it gradually. Now two years have passed since I started taking pictures again, I feel that I got a wrong idea. I can't think about it clearly yet, I'll finish it next time. Today's Japanese phrases are about the New Year's holiday. デジカメが好きじゃなかった。デジタルが写真をつまらなくしたと思い、徐々に興味を失っていった。再び写真を撮るようになって2年が過ぎ、自分は思い違いをしていたかなと感じている。まだ考えがまとまっていないので、続きは次回。 今回はお正月にまつわる日本語を紹介します。 Happy New Year! to friends hiragana : あけましておめでとう! あ(a) け(ke) ま(ma) し(shi) て(te) お(o) め(me) で(de) と(to) う(u) it sounds : a ke ma shi te o me de tô formally add "gozaimasu" at the end hiragana : あけましておめでとうございます。 あ(a) け(ke) ま(ma) し(shi) て(te) お(o) め(me) で(de) と(to) う(u) ご(go) ざ(za) い(i) ま(ma) す(su) it sounds : a ke ma shi te o me de tô go za i ma su japanese traditional New Year's dishes hiragana : おせち りょうり お(o) せ(se) ち(chi) り(ri) ょ(yo) う(u) り(ri) it sounds : o se chi ryô ri **りょうり/ryôri means dish and food. New Year's visit to a shrine or a temple hiragana : はつもうで は(ha) つ(tsu) も(mo) う(u) で(de) it sounds : ha tsu mô de New Year's grab bag hiragana : ふくぶくろ ふ(fu) く(ku) ぶ(bu) く(ku) ろ(ro) it sounds : fu ku bu ku ro There are(is?) 7 days left in this year! 今年もあと7日!

December 23, 2009


My Jellyfish Glass It's just a glass, but its shadow looks like a jellyfish. Cell-phone au A5518SA The Christmas season has come. Since the Emperor's Birthday is Wednesday this year, it didn't become a three-day weekend. I'll write some Japanese words today. クリスマスシーズンがやって来た。今年は天皇誕生日が水曜日なので、三連休にはならなかった。今日は日本語の単語をいくつか書いてみます。 the end of the year hiragana : ねんまつ ね(ne) ん(n) ま(ma) つ(tsu) it sounds : ne n ma tsu birthday hiragana : たんじょうび た(ta) ん(n) じ(ji) ょ(yo) う(u) び(bi) it sounds : tan jô bi consecutive holidays hiragana : れんきゅう れ(re) ん(n) き(ki) ゅ(yu) う(u) it sounds : re n kyû shopping hiragana : かいもの か(ka) い(i) も(mo) の(no) it sounds : ka i mo no department store katakana : デパート デ(de) パ(pa) -(long vowel mark) ト(to) it sounds : de pâ to **デパート is an imported word, so it's written in katakana.

December 21, 2009

I realized how difficult for me to explain Chinese

Tea Server Cell-phone au A5518SA Chinese is difficult!! I think I can continue to learn it, but to explain it here is too hard for me. I don't know how to write about Kanji and its pronunciation...(someone tell me how to say Gakkuri がっくり in English). So, I changed my mind. I'll write Japanese phrases and explain it in English. I don't stop eazy Spanish. I'll keep on learning Chinese for myself. 中国語の説明、挫折したよ!自分が勉強することはできるけど、説明ができない。漢字と発音についてどう書けばいいのか分からない (がっくり←英語でなんて言うの?”ため息”とか?)。 だから考えを変えて、日本語のフレーズを英語で説明することにしました。スペイン語はこのまま継続します。 中国語は自分のために続けるつもり。

December 20, 2009

Poor Time Manager!!

After Hours Cell-phone au A5518SA I started writing about Google Wave two weeks ago, but It's not finished yet!!! Google Waveについて2週間前に書き始めたけど、まだできていない!

December 9, 2009

Introduce myself in Spanish スペイン語で自己紹介

Plastic Glove Cell-phone au A5518SA From today on, when I don't have any topic or need to take more time to organize my thought, wright Spanish or Chinese phrases instead. I'll skip grammar and difficult rules. At first, introduce myself in Spanish. 今日からは、書きたいことがない時や考えをまとめるのにもう少し時間が必要な時は、かわりにスペイン語か中国語のフレーズを書きます。 文法や難しいルールは飛ばします。まず、スペイン語で自己紹介をします。 Yo soy Miwako. (私はみわこです。) Yo / soy / Miwako. I / am / Miwako 私/は〜です/みわこ 読み方 : イ ミワコ it sounds : jo soi miwako Yo soy japonesa. (私は日本人です。) Yo / soy / japonesa. I / am a / Japanese. 私/は〜です/日本人 読み方 : イ ハポサ it sounds : jo soi haponesa **Men and women speak in different way in Spanish. Men say it janonés(hapones), not japonesa(haponesa). ※スペイン語では男性と女性が違う話し方をします。 男性は japonesa (ハポサ) ではなく japonés (ハポス)と言います。

December 7, 2009

Chinese and Spanish 中国語とスペイン語

Hi, I'm back cell-phone au A5518SA I'm thinking of writing each one phrase here from the textbooks of Chinese and Spanish I bought last week, like today's new phrase. I'd not posted new entry for about a month, so I became to hesitate to come. If I have something to motivate myself, it would help me. However it's first time for me to study both Chinese and Spanish, I'll just transfer phrases from the textbooks for the time being. Anyway, I'm back. このブログに、先週買った中国語とスペイン語の参考書から”今日のひとこと”のように1フレーズずつ書いてみようと思っている。約一ヶ月更新していなかったので、ここへ来ることをためらうようになっていた。何か動機付けになるものがあれば助けになると思っているんだけど。中国語もスペイン語も勉強するのは初めてなので、当面は参考書からそのまま書き写すだけにすると思う。とにかく、戻ってきた。