The View From St.Luke's Tower HolgaGFN, fuji neopan100acros, microfine1:1
I took pictures of negative film through the light of my Macintosh with my cell phone, and then, turned the pictures into positive images with the conversion function. I thought "Oh.., I'm stupid. What have I been doing until now." I realized that sticking to printing on photographic paper made me away from photography itself. I decided to start negative scanning, instead of dark room work.
Sometimes I, I mean not only me - everyone, give ourselves big assignments we can't handle. It makes us unable to move, finally we give up and become do-nothing. Don't you think it's ironic that it's because our ideal?
I think it might sound strange, when I'm in trouble, I try to imagine the history of the earth. It begins with a big explosion; a big bang?, dinosaurs appear, and continues to space shuttles and starships. I notice that I'm just a very small living being which has a short life. The most of my worries are about my job and life. I tend to mix them with bad points of my character, and make it bigger in my head. It changes into huge, so I can't solve anymore. But relax, actually it's simple. I should do just what I can.
Looking down the street from higher place, I can see other people and many cars. They look like ants and miniature cars. So various people are living on the earth. I thought "I want to draw pictures more, take pictures and print them more, but I've not finished my job. I want to buy photographic paper, but I need to get craypas varnish." It's impossible to get all.
Negative scanning would make me take pictures more. Then I could feel like doing darkroom work for some good pictures. I've taken pictures and developed only. It was meaningless to put them into the folder before seeing inverted images for several months.
----- the worst version is the time when I don't have the capacity of thinking about the history of the earth. So I will put something like a trigger in my desk. It's a picture of my space suit so far! I designed some, but not enough. I need more.