Self_March04 /craypas on canvas paper
I went to a 100yen shop Daiso today, and found a canvas paper pad. It has 5 sheets per a pad. I'd ever used canvas boards..., yeah! I decided to try it. After drawing today's self-portrait, I felt so fine. It's a bit strange, but I thought I'd not gotten such a satisfaction like that for a long time, though I draw pictures everyday.
I ordered
a cool photobook. The author is
Black Opal. When I was searching for information about film development on the web, I ran into his blog. His site is a fountain of knowledge! and his photograph is amazing. I started to read it on a daily basis. I was surprised because a man whose work I respect leaves his comments there very often.
かっこいい写真集を注文した。著者はとても為になるブログをやっているBlack Opalさん。現像について検索している時に偶然見つけたブログだけど、写真がものすごくかっこいい。毎日見るようになった。自分がすごいな〜と思っている人も頻繁にコメントを付けていて驚いた。すごい人同士ってお友達なのね。