May 11, 2009

My exhibition was over, thank you guys!

Some people are looking at my drawings, others are walking through the path, and I am watching them. people-watching "Some people are looking at my drawings, others are walking through the path, and I am watching them." My exhibition was over. I feel it's gone so fast! 個展が終了した。あっという間だった。 I'm very glad that many friends-especially who are in the internet came there. Really thank you. みなさん見に来てくださってありがとうございました。特に、リアルで会ったことが無かったインターネット上の友達が来てくれた事がとても嬉しかったです。ありがとう! It was a good thing that I held it in the underground passage of subway, because I could hear a lot of voices let out carelessly from the people who were walking there. If I was in an art gallery, most people wouldn't say real feeling. And moreover, I wouldn't have been able to meet the people who were not interested in art. When they said something about my drawing, I listened to them secretly from behind the pillar. Some people said "She had drawn self-portraits every day for a year, it's great idea!", and others dispraised. Like "She could do it because she must love herself too much." Those voices didn't make me confused, inspired a lot instead. cute/scary, fun drawings/poor skills, has a strong will/narcissistic.... They were really precious. 個展の会場を地下鉄の連絡通路にして良かったと思う。もし通常の画廊でやっていたら聞けないような、通りすがりの人達が無意識に言っている言葉を聞けたから。それに美術に興味のない人の前に自分の作品を出す機会はなかなか無い。道行く人達が私の絵について何か言い始めると、私は柱に隠れてこっそりそれを聞いた。「1年間も毎日自画像を描くなんて、すごい発想だね」という人もいれば、「よほどの自分好きだから続くんだよ」とこき下ろす人もいる。それらの声を聞いて落ち込むどころか、とても刺激になった。 「かわいい」と「こわい」、「面白い画風」と「へたじゃん」、「意思が強い」と「ナルシストっぽい」.... こういった意見を聞く機会は貴重だと思う。 Actually I'd not drawn nor painted for about 15years. When I was 21 years old, I became unable to draw pictures, and then left the art university. I tried to do it again and again, but I couldn't. So for me, it's a miracle that I do drawing now. 実は、私は15年ほど絵を描いていなかった。21才の時に絵を描けなくなって美大を中退し、その後なんども描こうとがんばったが描けなかった。だから今自分が絵を描いているなんて奇跡のように感じる。 I appreciate you giving your comments on my work here and in flickr. I couldn't keep it up without your encouragement. Now I think I'm ok. I'll get by! このブログやフリッカーにコメントをくださってありがとうございます。みなさんの励ましがなかったら続かなかったかも知れません。でももう大丈夫だと思います。やっていけそうです!