Some people around me seem to be interested in
dermatograph which I use for drawing self-portraits. So I'll explain a little about it.
Dermatograph is originally a writing tool.
The company selling dermatograph pencil says "It is even writable on skin, glass, metal and film". Dermato is a Latin word meaning "skin"(from the Q&A page, unfortunately they don't have an English page.
In Japan, lithograph artists use this dermatograph pencil instead of lithocrayons, because former is cheaper than latter. I majored in lithograph until I dropped out the university of fine arts. I was very familiar with dermato. So I was surprised when I saw my senior workers were using it to mark on film sleeve for printing directions at the design company which I joined just after leaving school. Then soon it became a tool at work for me.
when I went to
Ito-ya last summer, I saw it on a shelf and came up with using it as drawing tool. At first I felt it was easier way than craypas, but becoming interesting. It makes me remember lithograph. The matière looks like it very much. It's fun! If I found more usages, it must become a big hit for me.
By the way, why they don't show it on their web catalog?