I'm an admin of a group
Drawing: We do self portraits everyday in flickr. I have a problem. The members don't stay for a long time! Sometimes I feel sad, because it's becoming my stream. The word "everyday" could be pressure on the menbers. I don't care whether they do it everyday or not. I don't upload the picture everyday, though I draw them. I don't like scanning.
Actually, I wasn't an original member. I signed up to Flickr in late January 2008, I found the group and started drawing self-portraits since March. It had almost been in resting phase. Several months later, I felt like creating our group icon. I e-mailed the admin of the group. She replied to me that she made me one of admin, so I could add icon which I created.
I've not considered myself to be an admin, but maybe have to do something. I decided to leave invitations when I find self-portraits in other groups.