December 23, 2009


My Jellyfish Glass It's just a glass, but its shadow looks like a jellyfish. Cell-phone au A5518SA The Christmas season has come. Since the Emperor's Birthday is Wednesday this year, it didn't become a three-day weekend. I'll write some Japanese words today. クリスマスシーズンがやって来た。今年は天皇誕生日が水曜日なので、三連休にはならなかった。今日は日本語の単語をいくつか書いてみます。 the end of the year hiragana : ねんまつ ね(ne) ん(n) ま(ma) つ(tsu) it sounds : ne n ma tsu birthday hiragana : たんじょうび た(ta) ん(n) じ(ji) ょ(yo) う(u) び(bi) it sounds : tan jô bi consecutive holidays hiragana : れんきゅう れ(re) ん(n) き(ki) ゅ(yu) う(u) it sounds : re n kyû shopping hiragana : かいもの か(ka) い(i) も(mo) の(no) it sounds : ka i mo no department store katakana : デパート デ(de) パ(pa) -(long vowel mark) ト(to) it sounds : de pâ to **デパート is an imported word, so it's written in katakana.